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Tammy Freeman – 400-411

GROVE MARINA, INC., PO Box 1483, Corbin, KY 40702, does hereby enter into this lease agreement with Tammy Freeman.
For the period beginning on this day 2023-06-04
1. The term of this agreement is one (1) year. It is mutually understood that the rates charged are based on an annual rental basis. Quarterly or Monthly billing is not available. The annual fee is due and payable in advance and annual rental is $3500.
This rental period ends on 2024-06-03.
This agreement will automatically renew for a one (1) year term upon payment of the
annual fee and will not require a new agreement. The annual fee is subject to incrense with thirty (30) day notice to resident and will not require a new agreement.

  1. This annual rental is non-refundable, however, should owner sell his boat, the paid annual rent may be transferred to another stip or vessel if prior approval has been obtained from the Marina.
  2. STORAGE OF MORE THAN ONE BOAT – Annual moorage rental is based upon storage of one boat only. All second boats must have an assigned space and will be charged additional rental fees for said boat.
  3. Additions and/or alterations of slip, or changes of any kind (e.g. bumpering of slip, layering of floor covering on any walkways, etc.) are expressly prohibited unless prior approval has been given by Marina. Should such approval be obtained, said improvement, upon completion, becomes the property of Marina.
  4. The Owner is required to maintain the boat described herein in a clean and seaworthy manner and free from unreasonable debris. Seaworthy includes, but is not limited to, operable electrical systems with no electrical discharge into the water, solid hull integrity with no punctures, and all other systems working in a manner that make the boat reasonably fit for its intended purpose. Failure to maintain the boat in a clean, seaworthy manner and free from debris may result in a termination of this agreement and requirement to remove the boat by Marina.
  5. Marina shall have a lien against the above described boat, her appurtenances and contents, for unpaid sums due for use of moorage facilities or other services, or for damage caused or contributed to by above described boat or by Owners to any docks or property of Marina or any other person.
  6. This agreement shall be in effect, unless sooner terminated in accordance with the following conditions, to wit:
  • By destruction of the described facilities by fire, storm or other calamity;
  • In the event Owner shall make a bona fide sale of the boat listed in this agreement without prior agreement with Marina for subsequent boat;
  • By breach or default as provided below.
  1. It is mutually agreed that Grove Marina, Inc. shall not be held liable in any manner for the safekeeping or condition of the boat, and is not responsible therefore as a warehousemen, liveryman, or bailee, but that the condition between the parties is simply that of landlord and tenant, and it is understood and agreed by the Owner that the Marina will not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss to or of the said boat, its tackle, gear, equipment, or property either upon said boat or upon the premises of the Marina, from any cause whatsoever, or for injury to the Owner or invitees occasioned by any cause upon the Marina premises or adjacent thereto.
  2. By signing below the Owner hereby acknowledges that he/she has read the Marina Rules and Regulations printed on the reverse of this document and states that he/she understand and accept all rules and regulations.
  3. This Agreement is for the use of boat storage space only, and such space is to be used at the sole risk of Owner. Owner for himself, his heirs and assigns, hereby agrees to save the Marina harmless from any and all liability or damages for personal injury, loss of life, or property damages to himself, his family, his employees, invitees, guests and agents arising out of, on in connection with, the condition or use of the above boat, motor and accessories, or the use of the Marina premises and facilities, and the Owner, for himself, his heirs and assigns, hereby release and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Marina from any and all liability for, or loss or damage to the above described property or the contents thereof, due to fire, theft, collision, windstorm, accident, or like causes. The Marina is not considered under this Agreement as an insurer of the Owner’s property, and the Owner should secure such insurance as he desires. The Marina will not be held responsible for contents of the boat. The Owner is advised to remove all items not permanently attached to the boat while the boat is in storage.
  4. Should a breach of this agreement or violation of posted rules and regulations occur, the Marina may terminate this agreement by written notice to Owner at the address on the back side. Said termination shall become effective 15 days after such notice is placed in the U.S. Mail. Within such 15 days, Owners shall pay all sums due Marina and remove the boat from the premises.
  5. Should Owner fail, refuse or neglect to pay all sums due, the Marina may remove the boat from the docking space, at Owner’s risk and expense, retake possession of the docking space and thereafter sell such boat and all items therein or thereon at public auction in accordance with the applicable provisions of Kentucky Law. The Owner agrees that upon removal of the boat from the docking space, the relationship of Landlord and Tenant is ended and the Marina shall be and become involuntary depositary with only the duties and responsibilities provided by law thereunder.
  6. The Owner shall carry bodily injury and property damage insurance in an amount sufficient to cover any and all damage in the proximity of Owner’s
    vessel. Owner shall list Marina as an additional insured and provide a copy of proof of insurance annually. Failure to comply with these insurance requirements shall result in a fine for each month of non-compliance.

  1. All persons causing injury or damage to other persons, docks or other boats shall be liable therefore, and violation of harbor rules, disorder, or improper conduct by a patron, his crew or guests that might injure a person, cause damage to property, or harm the reputation of the Marina, is cause for immediate termination of this agreement and removal of the boat in question from the premises. Children and pets must be controlled to insure the peace and privacy of other harbor occupants.
  2. When a boat enters the harbor it immediately comes under the general jurisdiction of the management. Any condition aboard any boat which, in the opinion of management, constitutes a fire hazard or a health menace or a danger to public safety, must be corrected immediately by the owner. Refuse, oil or inflammable liquid, must be deposited in receptacles for that purpose. Advertising or soliciting is not permitted on any boat within the Marina. The wake of all boats operated within the harbor limits must not cause damage or discomfort to berthed boats and their occupants. All boats docked in the harbor shall observe and comply with all health, safety and sanitary regulations governing the waterways, as well as all other applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.

Name of Leasee: Tammy Freeman

Email: tfreeman40701@yahoo.com

Boat Length: 59ft

No Boat Width Given

Boat Make: Sumerset

Boat Color: Whiteft

No KY License Number Given

No Boat Name Given

NO US Coast Guard Official # Given

Insurance Provider: State Farm

Insurance Provider Phone: (606) 528-1880

Insurance Policy Number: 17-KY-5594-2

No Address Given

Slip Number: 411

Type of Space: Houseboat